Self Affirmations

Sometimes we need to be reminded of things that are true about ourselves and about our situation. Affirmations makes us to believe in ourselves that we can make things happen. It encourages us and motivates us to continue and pursue our goals. The act of confirming something to be true…

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Proverbs 6:23

There are times in our life that we feel walking in darkness. We sometimes feel lost and don’t know the right direction to turn to. Its hard to walk in the dark, it’s uncomfortable and dangerous. Often times, our life seems running towards a wrong direction and we end up…

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Family Pet

Most people loves having pets at home. I remember when I was growing up we have dogs, cats, chicken and ducks as pets. Owning a pet is sometimes a hard responsibility. That’s why some people never wanted to have one. We have fish at home for 12 years now, ever…

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Psalm 27:1

The LORD is my light and my salvation– whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life– of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 Sometimes we feel that we’re living in a world full of darkness. With all that’s happening all around us( troubles, problems, diseases)….

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  • Christian Merchandise