The Heart of a Christian: Are You Following Christ Fully?

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Are you a real Christian?

That may seem like a strange question. What does an “unreal” Christian look like and who could possibly be one?

In Matthew 6:1-18, Jesus talked to the crowd about just such a thing. He said to beware of “practicing their righteousness before men to be seen of men.” Now of course, He wasn’t advising them not to be true witnesses; He later says to “let their Gospel light shine.”

He was charging the people not to do things just for the show. Not to be a phony.

Jesus said that when you give, not to sound the trumpet and give in a haughty way.

There are those who are big givers, but want everyone to know about it. They brag about the large sums and they ceremoniously display their generosity.

Then He said that when you pray, not to try to show off your scriptural understanding or your great ability to pray. It’s easy to understand what He is talking about here. You have probably seen some who do know a lot of the Bible, but want to make sure that others know they know.

So ,they are frequently trying to impress others with their prayers.

Finally, He said that when you fast, not to put on a gloomy face and show off your spirituality by letting everyone know that you are fasting. (The same would apply when you are fasting desires other than food so that you could give to His causes).

What’s the big deal about letting others know what you are doing?

Well, Jesus knew that the real “you” is the one you are when you are alone – when no one is watching.

When you are a “real” Christian, you want to give, pray, or fast – not because it makes you look good to others, but because it’s who you are. You want to be close to your Father God, and you want more of His operation in your life. You want to hear His voice and be obedient.

One of the problems about the “being seen of men” syndrome, is that you can actually fool yourself by your displays.

Think of the well-known ministers who have looked so magnificent to the church, but eventually have been exposed as phonies. I am sure that they themselves were blinded somewhat to the seriousness of their sin, as they displayed their phony fruit to the world.

They thought of the good they were doing and excused the secret sins.

The real “you” is who you are when you are alone and no one is watching.

Ultimately, as Christians, our accountability is to our Creator and to no one else. He is looking for the real deal. His relationship is with the true person, not with a poser. And the success of our Christian walk depends on what is real in our lives. Not on what others think.

In fact, if “what others think of you” is predominant for you, a snare is sure to follow. One of the saddest passages in scripture to me is this one:

John 12:42-43. Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.

Isn’t that sad? Many who believed in Jesus helped to crucify Him because they wanted man’s approval more than God’s.

That’s what can happen to any of us in smaller ways, if we live our lives for man’s approval.

We will ultimately compromise our true beliefs. We will ultimately rationalize our bad decisions. We could ultimately find ourselves denying our Lord.

But here’s the good news.

There is a tremendously energizing flip side to this quest for the “real” in our Christian walk.

When we are truly seeking our Lord, and wanting to please Him, there is a confidence and a degree of faith which cannot be quenched.

If men didn’t give it to us, they can’t take it away.

As we continue in this true path, our walk with the Lord derives from that secret place deep within our hearts. We become totally dependent and reliant on our Lord.

We truly become one with Him.

So, forget what men think. In your heart of hearts, establish that secret true, passionate journey of life with your Maker. Let your giving, your prayers, and your fasting be between you and Jesus. He is the one you answer to – and He is the one who rewards your life.

If your secret life is real, then others will know it. They will see the fruit of humility, compassion, and faith that comes with that life. When you do pray or speak in an assembly, the presence of a true believer will shine through. Your words of witness will be strong, and the Holy Spirit will work with you with signs following.

And you are a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, a Christian.

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