Essential Oil

I don’t know where i have heard these words ” Essential Oils”. But I’ve always believe on its therapeutic properties. But i never get one then because of its price. This much amount of money for just a tiny bottle of oils. No way!!! I’ll stay with the cheap ones…

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The moment i learned decoupage, i fell in love with this art. I decided to learn more by watching videos and looking at all of the amazing products that were made through Decoupage. Decoupage [dey-koo-pahzh; French dey-koo-pazh] according to Webster dictionary the art of decorating surfaces by applying cutouts (as of paper) and then…

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Meet Jeanifer

I am Jeanifer a stay-at-home mom to 3 beautiful kids and a wife to my wonderful husband.  I’m very happy to welcome you to my blog.  I wanted to share my passion to the world that might benefit others.  I love crafting at home and doing DIY projects.  Recycling and…

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  • Christian Merchandise