Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6 From this verse, I am reminded to seek God while there is still time. I know that God’s presence is always here, always near , but while I still have life, I have…

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In our life’s journey, there are times that we have concerns, problems and questions. Thanks God, we can find help in the Bible, and our questions will be answered. Part of growing up is finding answers to questions like: what is important to me? What do I value? What makes…

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My Heart’s Motive

What’s in your heart? What’s your reason for doing things? Sometimes we do things that we thought are good and helpful for others, that we’re doing the right thing. But deep within our heart’s our motives are not pure. I’ve done that in my life, not only once but many…

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  • Christian Merchandise