Family Pet

Most people loves having pets at home. I remember when I was growing up we have dogs, cats, chicken and ducks as pets. Owning a pet is sometimes a hard responsibility. That’s why some people never wanted to have one. We have fish at home for 12 years now, ever…

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Being a parent is not an easy task, its a non stop process. On going learning and acquiring wisdom to raise a child. An African proverb says “It takes a village to raise a child .” Meaning that it takes an entire community of different people interacting with children in order for children to experience and grow in a…

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I love my family and I wanted to spend time with them. And I know all of us loves our family and wants to be together all the time. But with all the busyness of our lives and our jobs and other priorities, we sometimes miss out time with our…

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Being a Mother

Being a mother, is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had… And dealing with fears you didn’t know existed -Linda Wooten- They said that being a mom, is the best, most hardest, and most fun that a woman could ever do. I can agree to that. Being a mother…

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  • Christian Merchandise