Decoupage is the art of cutting out pictures and gluing them to an object and then coating the picture and the object with layers of varnish. Decoupage comes from the French word decouper meaning “to cut out”. This art can be used to personalize almost anything. WHAT OBJECTS CAN BE…

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Do you love crafting? I DO! I love DIY projects and all those handmade products. Products that are not mass produced. Those things that are specially crafted and made. I just realized that there must be a reason why i took handicraft in high school. All my closest friends took…

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The moment i learned decoupage, i fell in love with this art. I decided to learn more by watching videos and looking at all of the amazing products that were made through Decoupage. Decoupage [dey-koo-pahzh; French dey-koo-pazh] according to Webster dictionary the art of decorating surfaces by applying cutouts (as of paper) and then…

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  • Christian Merchandise