Party tip – BE CRAFTY

There are lots of inspirations and ideas that you can get to be crafty on your next party. You don’t need to be an expert crafter or very creative artist to do DIY’s. You just have to follow simple instructions to make them. Making your own decorations and homemade foods…

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Guard your tongue

Everyone of us knows that there is a power in our tongue. We can use our tongue to bring life and blessings or curses and death to others . ” If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Those words are ringing in my ears…

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Arms of Love

There are people who are always in my heart. Those who are struggling to survive and live a better life. The needy and the helpless or others called less fortunate people. When I was young, I told my self when I grow up, I wanted to help people in need….

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We were all taught to share. That sharing is caring and sharing is a good thing to do. YES! we all should share and care for others. There are things in our lives that should be kept private. Somethings that we should keep to our selves. But lately, personal and…

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  • Christian Merchandise