Danger of Plug-ins Air Fresheners and DIY Alternative

Plug In Air Freshener

We all want our house to smell good. I bet all of us had use or been using this plug in air freshener or aerosol spray and some use scented candles. They really smells good and mask odors inside our house or office or any place you’ve used it. They are easily available anywhere and are inexpensive to buy.

But did you know that there’s hidden danger in those nice smelling scents. Some of them smells so good that gives you headache because of the chemical in it. They contain potentially toxic chemicals that is bad for our health. That is why it is better to avoid using them and use some alternative ways to freshen our house.

Here’s few of the chemicals that are found on air fresheners :

  • Volatile organic compounds , is a type of chemical that turns into a vapor or gas easily at room temperature. Health problems are thought to occur from the chemicals in the air fresheners and from their secondary pollutants. They ‘ve been associated with a greater risk of asthma, especially in children.
  • Allergens that can cause harm to people with seasonal allergies, chronic asthma, COPD, or even just common colds.
  • Formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen(a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue)
  • Pthalates, which have been linked to changes in hormone levels, poor semen quality, birth defects, and reproductive harm 
  • 1,4 dichlorobenzene, which can cause modest reductions in lung function
  • Naphthalene, which is found in consumer and building products such as air fresheners, paints, stains, flooring and carpeting, as well as in some pest control products (mothballs and moth flakes). Lab studies have found that it can cause cancer in the lungs and tissue damage.

Now if you haven’t done getting rid of this air fresheners, now is the time. The good news is we have some outstanding homemade alternatives.

  1. Simmer spices on your stove top or simmering pots.
  2. Use essential oils diffusers.
  3. Make a baking soda air freshener with essential oil in a small glass jar with vented lid.


You might have an empty plug ins laying around if not you can buy one on dollar store.

What you need:

Old plug-in bottles
Essential Oil of your choice
Carrier Oil, such as jojoba or almond oil or just plain water 
Tiny screwdriver or Butter Knife

Step 1:

Unscrew the top then empty the bottle and take out the wick. Rrinse the bottle and wick to wash off previous scent.

Step 2:

When all clean, fill the bottle with 1/3 essential oil or 40-50 drops of essential oil. Fill the rest with water, they wont mix but shake and snap back into the oil warmer plug.

Step 3:

Plug in your homemade air freshener and enjoy the aroma.

You can customize the scent in every room of your home. The stronger the amount of essential oil, the stronger the aroma. Some people use carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil but it is up to you but i used just plain water. And it works well, it last 3 weeks or a month. Now you have your own air freshener free from harmful chemicals.

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  • Christian Merchandise