Death is the great equalizer

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

I’ve heard these words when I was in high school, and now been contemplating on what it means.

Been away for 21 days for unplanned vacation. Need to go back home to Philippines for my Dad’s funeral.

Life here on earth is really short but we have all our lives to make the most out of it. Whether you live to 5 or to 50, that’s the life that’s been given to you by the Great creator.

When death comes to someone that we love, time is given to us to think about life and death. That one day death will come to us. We are all in line, next to one another.

All of our question about death and life after death can’t be answered unless we cross that line. When we passed through that gateway. Death is a gateway for our life after after death.

Yes, death is the great equalizer. For when it comes, were all equal. No matter if you were young or old, rich or poor, educated or not, we are all equal. All the same, our physical bodies dies and goes back to ashes.

The only difference is that dying with Christ in your heart. Only your body dies but you have eternal life in Christ Jesus.

We all know that we are only travelers here in the world. This is not our permanent home. We are bound to our final destination, the eternal life.

Choose your final destination, and make your life worth living.

We all know that on every birth, death will come one day. But when it comes, we are all always unprepared, we are always not ready. And its always very hard to let go. When its someone that is dearest to our heart.

I’ve been thinking that being an adult, you’ll have lots of pain from loosing someone. I’ve already experience pain loosing my youngest brother, oldest sister and now my dad. People who are closest to my heart, its hard to let go, really.

But being a Christian, I am hopeful and fully trusting the Lord that someday I will see them again in God’s presence.

Its hard to moved on after loosing someone you love, only time will heal the pain. Until then, i will still and always will trust in the Lord.

Enjoy every moment of life, do what you have to do today. Because there will be a day that life will stop and time is no more.

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  • Christian Merchandise