Diligence in Faith: Persevering with Purpose in Christ

If we look at the world and then we look at ourselves, we certainly could be discouraged.

But when we look at our Father, the Creator of the Universe, the all-knowing one, our perception changes. We get centered again; ready for action.

a person reading a book
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

The good news for us is that we don’t have to depend on our own strength. We can count on God and all of His power to help us when we do things His way.

So what do we do? We pray, we stay focused, and we continue to build.

Hebrews 6:11-12 says, We desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

So let’s remain diligent – or in some cases, get diligent.

Let’s not stop. Let’s not give up.

There may be forces coming against our personal lives, but we won’t let them cause us to give up.

We must refocus and face the giants again.

In many cases, we may think that we need to rebuild.

Well, let’s do it! We block off some time for just ourselves and God.

We pray and we rebuild our faith by meditating on His Word.

We rebuild our faith in ourselves by praying, listening to God, and, oh yes, by meditating on His Word.

We rebuild our churches, our communities, and our world by praying and sharing His Word.

We are in a big game! There may be giants facing us, but we can do this.

Pray, focus, and build. Pray, focus, and build. Pray, focus, and build.

Let’s be not sluggish, but diligent.

If we will do these things, we will see God’s hand in our lives – and we will see a turnaround in our world.

Let us focus on remaining steadfast and purposeful in our Christian journey.

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  • Christian Merchandise