Do-It-Yourself Crafts

What is DIY?

Its the activity of decorating, repairing,or modifying things on your own.

What is Handmade?

Items made by hand rather than with machine.

As far as i can remember , i was always a girl who wants to do things with my hands. Cutting, gluing, coloring, and that sort of stuff. I enjoy crafting things and i dont want to throw things away. There is always a voice telling my head that, i can create something from things that are waste. That i can recycle, repurpose or reuse things from its original state.

During my highschool days, i chose the art and crafts class. Thanks to all my teachers that thought me how to crochet, paint, cross-stitched and make other crafts out of recycled materials.

Now, as a mom, with so many things at home to do. I have it hard to squeeze in some time doing crafts. But once in a while i make craft while kids are sleeping or when their at school.

Some people say crafting or creating something is therapeutic. It makes you think of what to create from something to make it even more beautiful. Others don’t have time to make but if its your passion, you will find time to make.

People now buy and buy stuff (don’t want to make) , because of not having enough time to do it. In our wasteful society(buy and toss after), i wanted people to know that not all things are meant to be thrown out right away. There are ways to recycle and reuse things which can be good for you and for the environment. DIY projects can be learned through youtube videos. And you can even join classes or read books on crafts that might interest you.

In view of this, i wanted to show my readers how to make crafts from recycled materials. Hoping that you will learn from me and that you’ll be happy that you’ve made something that you can be proud off.

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  • Christian Merchandise