Ecclesiastes 12:1

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them.” Ecclesiastes 12:1

I know I am getting older, older and older each day. Getting closer and closer to the day that I will go and meet my Creator.

Its good to get older but not just older but wiser. With all life’s lessons and experiences people should get wiser as they grow older.

From the moment we were born, we get older each day. And we cannot pause or stop the process of life. Whether we like if or not, we will grow older.

From birth, we’re like freshly bloom flowers, full of colors, full of life, with fresh scent and captivating looks. But as time past by, flowers get wilted, dry and petals are falling and slowly dying. Its like our life, according to Job 14:2 “Our life is like a flower that grows quickly and then dies away.
    Our life is like a shadow that is here for a short time and then is gone.”

As we grow older, life gets harder. I remember my grandparents, on their elderly days. The things they usually do when they were younger becomes difficult to do. Sometimes they have body pain, and sometimes they cannot do things on our own. They sometimes cannot go to the places that they usually go alone. Doing outdoor activities sometimes becomes a problem, even a gentle walk. Some days,they find no enjoyment in activities,they were just sitting or confined to their beds. And their memory faded, most of the times they cannot remember things.

King Solomon is reminding us to remember God when we are still young, before we get older and finds no enjoyment in life. Before the day of trouble comes, that day that we loose ability to function because of old age.

This verse is not only for young people, its for all of us. Let’s all remember God everyday, all days that were able to enjoy life.

Remembering God is not just thinking about HIM once in a while. Or praying when we just need something, or visiting church when someone invited us. Or reading God’s word when we just feel like reading.

Remembering God means, relating to Him, walking with Him, discovering Him. It means communing, experiencing and enjoying Him daily.

God wants us to enjoy our life and to have a life that is abundant. He even wants us to enjoy our older days of life. But to be able to enjoy life and live it to the fullest, we must remember our Creator and put our hope in HIM.

Dear Lord, help us to remember You in all the days of our lives. Teach us to always put our hope in YOU, even when the days of troubles comes.

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