Enjoy Life with Caution

When was the last time you sit down, relax and enjoy your life? Time that you just sit, meditate and refresh your mind.

I know its so hard to nowadays, all people are busy. And all of us are attached to our screens, gadgets and work. Most people got so focus on earning money to get what they want in life that they for how to live. Live at the moment, the present, the time that God gives.

Even me, though I am a stay home mom, all chores and side hustle and all of other things to do makes me busy.

But as I read Ecclesiastes 3:12-13, King Solomon gave me some insights about life. We know that King Solomon was the wisest and wealthiest person that ever lived according to the bible. His words are tried and tested and based on his experienced. Words of wisdom comes from his writings, its Gods gift to him.

12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. 

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

If we look around right now, its really very easy to get discouraged, to loose hope, to loose sight of what God has promised to us. What can we be thankful for? What does the future holds?

On all that’s happening to our world what are we supposed to do, what’s the best that we can do to get through this life?


In our lives, we can still rejoice. Rejoice not on sinful pleasures but to be happy and enjoy God’s blessing in our lives with a grateful heart. Everyday is not a gloomy day, we can still find a brighter side on this dark world. We can still find happiness if we find contentment and enjoy what God has given us.

Not everyday is a cross, not everyday we are walking alone, but we have a God who walked with us. He cares, and He’ll get us through whatever burden we have.


Sometimes there are things that we regret not doing in life when we we’re younger. Days when we are still strong, healthy and able.

We have to do good while there is still life, strength and ability in us. It means now, not when your strength and vigor in life faded. Do good for yourself, for family, for others and for mankind. Use the good things in life, what you have and what you possess to do good. Meaning do good everyday, all the days of your life.


God has gifted us with a physical body, all of us. And the bible says it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

God entrusted each of us with one body. And each of us is responsible to take care of our own body. To feed our body and make it healthy.

I have read before that it is not your doctor, not your spouse, not anyone else is responsible to take care of your health. It is your responsibility to take care of your health.

Do not abused your body, feed it, groom it, satisfy our needs not in excess but in moderation. Eat and drink with proper food, sleep well and do whatever is needed to make your body healthy and strong.


All of us toiling or working for something. What are the things, goals that you are trying to achieved? Maybe your studies, your family, your house, status, image. Whatever it is, we have to find satisfaction and enjoyment from it.

Enjoy what you are, what God has gifted you. If you’re a mother, enjoy taking care of those little ones. If your a teacher, enjoy sharing your knowledge to others. In your studies, work, whatever or wherever God has brought you, find enjoyment in it.

Like those farmers who enjoy their harvest. Those people who are happy with their promotions. Students who graduated from their studies. Your home that you paid off. Or all your dreams that you have achieved.

Have time to enjoy what you have accomplished, enjoy the fruit of your labor.

In our days, people are all too busy to slow down and enjoy life. In our life’s journey if we go too fast, we will miss some of life’s best for us. So take time to slow down. Sit and enjoy the sunset, walk along the garden and smell the flowers, listen to the bird chirping. We need to get refresh for us to get moving on.

Some people don’t take time for a break, no time to relax, thinking that its a waste of time or they have something better to do. But I think, all of us need a time for rest and relaxation. Its a gift of God, a reward.

BUT IN ALL OF THIS, let’s not forget that “For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”(Ecclesiastes 12:14)

We will give account on all the things that we’ve done, that is why we have to enjoy life with caution.

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  • Christian Merchandise