

Family is a very complex word, according to dictionary its a group consist of a mother, a father and children living together in harmony and peace in the same household. They say its the basic unit of society. But for some its not always living together, and not always living harmoniously and peacefully.

The word family have various meanings when you ask different people. How do you define family, what picture comes to your mind when you think about family?

It might be a mother, a father, a friend, a co worker, a church mate, a pet, group of people at work or church or anyone that surrounds you. People that love, care support and show concern on you and that makes you feel that you belong. Person who stand by you through thick and thin. And never leaves you no matter what.

In my own words, i would say family is a mother, a father and children that loves and cares for each other. Family is not always being related by blood. Its the most important building block of society that needs to be protected and nurtured. It originated from God and we need to preserve it. That we are to love each other to bring glory to our Creator.

My goal here is to strengthen family relations and build each other up. To encourage everyone to find one’s purpose on the family that they belong. And to live a life of faith that will enable everyone of us to love more and care more for our family

My family

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  • Christian Merchandise