Family Pet

Most people loves having pets at home. I remember when I was growing up we have dogs, cats, chicken and ducks as pets.

Owning a pet is sometimes a hard responsibility. That’s why some people never wanted to have one.

We have fish at home for 12 years now, ever since we started a family. Our kids love to watch and feed them. And we’re all happy to have them.

But my kids decided to add more pets, not one but three. One for each child to take care of. Now we have 3 hamster living with us. It took me a while to say yes to my kids to have those hamsters.

Hamsters are cute, furry, adorable and a low maintenance pet. They are great for kids and are a lot of fun.

I know that owning a pet have positive impact on kids. Having pets teach them valuable lessons in life.

Owning a pet teach kids responsibility. Pets require food, water and love. And being an owner, the child becomes responsible in taking care of them. I know kids are not expected to take care of pet on their own, adults need to be there always.

Kids learns trust from taking care of pet. A pet can offer support when a child is sad, angry or upset. They can teach a child to trust the pet, and built trust in others too.

Another skill that kids learn from pet is compassion. When a kid owns a pet, they learn to be kind to others by taking care of pets basic needs.

Kids with pets learns respect and patience too. Pets requires gentle touch and have boundaries. At a young age, a kid will learn to respect when the pet is sleeping or eating. Kids also learn to be patient when teaching and bonding with their pets.

Pets provides companionship, and also supports emotionally. They reduce stress and increase social activities and decrease sense of loneliness. They help also in the positive emotional development and self-esteem of a child.

I think owning a pet does not only benefits a child but the whole family as well.

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  • Christian Merchandise