As a Christian, I believed that the secret of financial prosperity is by giving.

We can read in Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you”. Whatever you give, it will be given back to you. If in your business you offer good service, then good service will be given back to you. If you work honestly, you get promotions and get better pay. If you give love and mercy to others, you will get love and mercy back.

And if you give to God, God bless you more and more. As you give, God pour out more and more of His blessings to you and through you.

In regards to tithing, I believed in what Malachi 3:10 says,  “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

So many of us missed God’s blessing because of not giving. Its very true and tested that if you give God the 10%, God blesses more and more the 90% that we have.

I know that God doesn’t need our money, but giving to God means we are acknowledging that all things come from Him. And that by giving to Him we are trusting that He will provide.

When I was younger, when I heard that the secret of having more is to give more, it puzzled me. How can you have more, if you will give away the very little that you have. Not only on giving my tithes but on giving to other people too, how can you have more if you give it away.

It really doesn’t make sense from an economic standpoint but research has indeed shown that giving increases wealth.

As we look at those very wealthy and charitable people, they donate so much of their wealth. But their income doesn’t diminished, in fact, their wealth increase.

Sometimes we think that when we have less or very few amount to give, it won’t make a difference. I think its not in the amount of money but on the attitude of the heart. Your heart that wants to give to God, to others is what counts. You want more of God’s blessings, GIVE. Give to God and give to others.

Giving not only financially, but giving your talents, your time, your resources. Give and God will bless you abundantly.

Give back to your community, roll the ball of blessings to others. Whatever you can do to support your community or other organization, do what you can.

Find some charity group or non-profit organization that you can support. There are so many ways that you can give and share what you have. You can volunteer and give your time to some charity.

Whatever talent or wealth God has entrusted us, if we use and give it to God and others, Blessings come back to us.

Decide in your heart to give, then God will begin to pour His blessing upon you as you give. Give to the work of God, use your talents, share your wealth, give your time, give back to your community. And Gods blessing will multiply beyond anything you can now imagine.

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  • Christian Merchandise