WE know that there is an all knowing God that watches over us. A God who cares about our being.

There’s a popular song that says “God is watching us from a distance”. But He’s not only watching us but He keeps us. The word keep means ” to protect, to guard, to guide, to watch over. Gods keeping is four-fold to all of us:

God watches us and keeps our lives.

God keeps us from evil and harm.

God keeps our going out and coming in.

God keeps us now and forever.

This is a very great promise from God. In Him we can put our hope and trust.

God is ever present in our lives, watching and protecting us. There is no area of our life that’s not under Gods keeping. In every circumstance, every season, day or night, He is always there, guiding and keeping us safe.

What a promise, a promise that never expires. God keep our lives now and forevermore.

“The Lord will keep you from all harm, He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Psalm 121:7-8

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  • Christian Merchandise