God’s 3 answers to prayer

I remember the movie “Bruce Almighty”, in the part that lots and lots of prayers are coming in and Bruce answered “yes” to all the prayers. Thinking that yes, will make everyone one happy.

I am a believer in Jesus, and I believe in the power of prayer. Praying is a Christian lifestyle. We present and make known our needs and request to God. Prayer is a necessary part of a Christian way of living.

I know that God is listening to our prayers and He always answers our prayers.

But there are times that we ask ourselves or other people “Did God answered your prayer yet?” I believed God always answers prayer.

There are 3 answers that God responds to our request.

YES – God’s motivation. It is the answer that we always wanted. A positive answer from God. He agrees on what we asked from Him. We are right with God, and our request is upon His will and in His perfect timing. And His yes, shows approval of what we asked. God’s yes gives us confidence, and it encourages and motivates us to trust Him more.

NO – God’s prevention. We don’t like no for an answer to our prayers. Its a negative answer that we often ask God “why”. We get this answer when our a. motive is wrong, b. we are wrong with God, c. our request is wrong and is against God’s will.

God cannot say yes to all our request, when its not for our best. Remember that God sees the bigger picture, He knows the future and knows what’s best for us.

Sometimes we treat God like a genie in a bottle, we rub the bottle and say our wishes and expect God to obey whatever we asked of Him.

There are prayers that sometimes we clearly know that No will be God’s answer because it against His will but we go out on our way to make God’s “No” to be “Yes”.

WAIT – God’s cultivation. The “not now” answer. This answer is sometimes hard to accept because it requires patience and time. Your request maybe right and you are right with God, but in the wrong timing.

We sometimes don’t want to wait, we want instant answer. Like in our everyday life, we want instant food, fastest internet, fastest order delivery and fast answers to our questions. And we are like that in requesting from God, “I want this, and I want it now”. We want quick response. But we have to remember that some things in life does not come easily or quickly. Sometimes we have to wait.

In our fast pace technology, everyday there is newer and faster invention that speeds up everything. But in prayer, it doesn’t work like that.

Clearly God doesn’t work like us, He has a process, a timing.

Waiting on God’s answer teach us to slow down, He is teaching us to have more faith and to trust Him more. He is cultivating a character in us, a godly character.

I believed our prayers are clearly answered always, its just that there are too many noises in our lives that make it difficult for us to hear. Like life’s busyness, worries and burdens, weighing us down that makes us feel that sometimes God never answer us.

Our God is in the business of answering prayers, we have to keep on praying and putting our trust in HIM.


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  • Christian Merchandise