GRIEF for me is a very hard word to explain. Everyone experience this at some point in our lives, and no one can avoid it. When it happened to me, i could not explain it. I can’t even think how people cope up with it.

According to the dictionary, “its a deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death.”

2016 was the year that deep sorrow came to me and my family. A brother, and a sister went to be with the Lord. The pain of loosing someone was really hard to bear. How can this be, and how do people move on in times like this. Some questions to God came to mind, but i did not get angry with God. How can you get angry to the giver of life -Job 1:21 “The Lord gives, the Lord takes away”

Life is really short and death comes unannounced. I’ve learned from then that we don’t have to complain or get angry with God if someone is taken away from us. We will feel the sorrow but still be thankful that He lend us that person for a certain period of time.

Coping with Grief is hard but i’ve learned lessons from it:

  1. Grief is normal. Its normal to feel the pain and sadness of loosing someone.
  2. Allow yourself to mourn. Mourning is the outward expression of grief. Express yourself so that you can be healed.
  3. Find support. Look for people that will listen and be with you. It’s important that you don’t feel alone.
  4. Take care of yourself. Be mindful of your health and daily habits.
  5. Always pray. God knows and feels your heart. You’ll find comfort in Him

Grieving is a process, and everyone go through it differently. Time will heal the pain and you’ll gradually be able to accept your loss.

Still through it all, I’m thankful to God for giving me a brother and a sister that i know ill see again.

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  • Christian Merchandise