Guard your tongue

Everyone of us knows that there is a power in our tongue. We can use our tongue to bring life and blessings or curses and death to others .

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

” If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

Those words are ringing in my ears and I always heard it from my late youngest brother.

Most of us get into trouble because of our tongue. We usually say words without thinking. Our tongue according to the book of James from the Bible is a small part of the body but can cause fire. Our tongue can be one of the most difficult thing to control.

People always respond, react or comment to others. It may not be conveyed in words but in writing or just plainly sharing your thought to others. We sometimes misjudged others and we are quick to say mean words. We are not even appointed to judge other people.

And sometimes, we are not even asked to say anything, but we quickly respond anyways.

When we’ve said mean words to others, it’s hard to get it back. It leaves a mark, a scar. So we must guard our tongue. Don’t hurt someone with your words. Be careful with what you say.

Our goal must be to speak life to others. Words that can encourage, comfort, edify and inspire others.

To encourage means to give support, confidence, or hope. To comfort means to soothe, console, or bring freedom from pain.  To edify means to cultivate, develop, and build up. And to inspire means to motivate, excite, energize, and to “breathe into.”

We must practice what Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”.

Have you met a few word person. Someone who doesn’t talk too much, and when he spoke words it has meaning. Who think first before talking. It’s good to be with a person like that most of the time. We must be that kind of person.

We must dedicate our life, whole life including our tongue to the Lord. That we surrender our life to the Lord daily. Praying that God will guide us and help us control our tongue always.


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  • Christian Merchandise