Healing from Depression

There are moments in our lives that we feel sad and very low. And it’s our normal reaction to life’s struggles, sadness and loss. But it has nothing to do with real depression.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash


Depression is a very overwhelming despair that is so much to endure. It’s an intense sadness, helplessness and loosing hope and feeling worthless. It last not only for days but weeks or longer that interferes with your daily living. It is a treatable mental illness and yes people can recover from it.

According to (WHO)World Health Organization,

  • Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.
  • Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.
  • More women are affected by depression than men.
  • At its worst, depression can lead to suicide.
  • There are effective psychological and pharmacological treatments for depression.


  1. BEHAVIOR – A person cannot concentrate anymore and not getting things done at work or school. Doesn’t want to go out anymore and withdrawing from friends and family.
  2. FEELING – Deep sadness and feeling irritable and frustrated. Feeling guilty and disappointment in life. Lacking self confidence and feeling miserable.
  3. THOUGHTS – ” People would better off without me”. “I’m a failure and worthless.” “My life is not worth living for.”
  4. PHYSICAL – Loosing appetite and always feeling tired. A person may have sleep problem and headaches and muscle pain. And sometimes significant weight gain or weight loss.


  1. BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE. To lift up your mood, take some form of exercise.
  2. STAY IN CONTACT WITH PEOPLE. Talk to someone, don’t withdraw yourself from others. Or join a support group in your community or prayer group in your church.
  3. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY. Eat healthy diet and get enough sleep.
  4. SEEK HELP. Get help form family, friends, church or professional help if you still feel down.


Depression is real and can kill someone. To help someone that is depress, educate yourself of what depression really is. And be always there to listen and take their feelings seriously. Pray for them. Tell them to find support group or services and be always ready for emergencies. Look after yourself also so you can support your friend better.

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  • Christian Merchandise