Health and Nature

Everyone of us wanted to be healthy in all aspect of our living. We all want to eat the right food and do the right thing, be physically fit and be active, away from sickness and pain.

Health is important to all of us, but with life’s busyness and the speed of how technology is changing, we too are rapidly pulled away from living healthy lives. Our life style change and our bodies suffer and even the environment.

I still think that we can still be healthy in the midst of all of this. That there is still hope for us and for the environment. And that we can still foresee that our future and our kids future will be fine. But , we have to do our part, on our present time to be healthy and preserve mother earth.

We are God’s steward of this beautiful earth that He created. And we are the temple of His Spirit, our bodies are entrusted to us for His glory. Let’s all live healthy physically, emotionally, spiritually and in all the areas of our life.

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  • Christian Merchandise