Meet Jeanifer

I am Jeanifer a stay-at-home mom to 3 beautiful kids and a wife to my wonderful husband.  I’m very happy to welcome you to my blog.  I wanted to share my passion to the world that might benefit others.  I love crafting at home and doing DIY projects.  Recycling and reusing things to help save the environment.  I’m hoping to raise  awareness on green living and using natural ways to get healing. I wanted to share my journey as a mom and a wife hoping to inspire others.  I am a follower of Christ and living my purpose.

I was born in a Christian family, but only came to know the Lord personally when i was 14 years old. I accepted the Lord as my Lord and Savior while watching a Christian TV show. I grew up attending Sunday School and other church activities.

I ‘m from the Philippines and living home away from home here in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.  Singing is one of my favorite thing to do and crafting is my hobby.

Once, there was a day that i thought of whats going on in a mothers life, whats our earth problem and how can i help.  And how can i share my passion to people.  This blog was then born, but i wasn’t prepare to tell the world what i have to say.  That’s why this blog is a year overdue.  I have so much to share but waited for the right time.

I think now is the time to voice my ideas, opinions and do my part as a child of God and a citizen of this world.  Time to make a change, and it will start on me.  I love my kids and it came to my mind that if i don’t do something now, something might affect them in the future somehow.

Join me as i explore and live my purpose in life. Life that is worth living and worth sharing.

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