Help I’m in Debt $$$$!!!

Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash

They said that “drowning in debt is the new normal in Canada”.

I heard people said before that if you’re in Canada and you don’t have debt then you are not normal.

I think most household are in debt crisis and its getting worst and worst. More people are drowning deeper in debt.

I guess materialism (buying and possessing material things) and consumerism (obsession on shopping and acquiring stuff) is eating our society. Our communities, families and ourselves.

Having multiple credit cards and acquiring different loans contribute to our sinking problem. Spending the money that we don’t even have and acquiring more and more push us more deeper.

When I came to Canada, i never had a credit card. I’ve never touch one and I don’t know how to use it . But eventually banks offered it and i got to have my own very first credit card with a $500 credit limit. $500, money that is not mine but I can use. I learned to use it but every time the bill comes, I pay what I owe and never pay on interest. Well banks keep on giving me a higher credit limit. And before I knew it, I owned 6 credit card.

Then time flies and all this credit card have balances and interest are getting high. That’s the time we’ve decided we have to stop it. I told myself this is slavery. We are being enslaved by using this cards.

Me and my husband decided to get a pair of scissors and cut all of our cards. We’ve asked for some professional help from Money Mentors. From then on we’ve been credit card free for almost 4 years now.

But we’re still on our way to freedom with the help of Money Mentors.


Money Mentors is an Alberta-based, not-for-profit credit counselling agency. Through a number of services, they help families and individuals recover from financial crisis and move forward. From credit counselling and money coaching to retirement planning and community financial literacy, they are creating a healthier financial future for the entire province.

A person from ATB bank introduced us to Money Mentors. All of the personnel there are so helpful. I’ve never get a chance to see anyone of them. I’ve never been to any of their office, they help us through the phone.

If you need help with your debt, and you feel like drowning , you can call them and ask for help. They are all friendly and wont judge you. They’ll help you assess the situation and walk you through to financial freedom.

They have online courses to help you understand more financially. And they offer Debt management and Literacy and Payment of Debts.

I’m happier to know that were almost free. And that debt will be behind our backs. FREEDOM!!!

Drowning in debt is a serious problem, a crisis. You can reach out to someone if you need help.

Don’t go into so much debt, its hard to get out of it. You have to stop going deeper while you can.

To learn more or to book your free Financial Needs Assessment, please contact them at 1-888-294-0076 or


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  • Christian Merchandise