Alberta Legislature Building Edmonton, Alberta Canada

When I was younger, some people in our community are working abroad. And when you say that you or your family member is working abroad, people think that you are rich or getting better in life.

I was fascinated of people talking about their life abroad, the food , the places they’ve been, the money they get and the abundance they are experiencing away from home. I love hearing stories too about plane ride. I told myself, one day i will go to abroad too. I want to ride a plane too and see beautiful places. But i will not work abroad, i will just visit or travel.

Now it’s been 17 years since my first airplane ride. My first trip away from home, away from family and familiarity. Away from the life and culture that I’ve known and accustomed to.

I remembered seeing snow for the first time and experiencing winter, spring and fall. At first I was mostly crying before going to sleep and even while working during the day. But through the years, I’ve learned to adjust. Eventually my husband came and we started our own family.

Every people have their own story and experiences on working abroad. But not all people are given a chance or opportunity to work and live in a foreign land. Some are dying to but some tried but decided to settled back home. In my experience, it was not an easy thing to do. You have to give up so many things and live it behind. And expect so many challenges in your life ahead.

But WHY, why do people move away from home and work abroad. In my opinion, one of the main reason is people are looking for a greener pasture. Looking for a place of abundance , a place where the grass is greener. Some are just wanting change in their life, and some have other reason like education or health issues.


  1. Opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
  2. Travel to different places.
  3. Brighter future for your kids.
  4. Good or better employment.
  5. Save for retirement.


  1. Culture Shock
  2. Being away from family and friends.
  3. Home sickness
  4. Lots of new challenges.
  5. Start/Learn new things.

It’s hard to adapt to a new place with new people and new surroundings. Even adjusting to the weather and language and new thing to learn. Fortunately for me, i have already family here, an Aunt who helped me to come here, Uncles and Cousins who supported me a lot.

My thoughts on this, if you are working abroad alone without your family, set a time that you will stop working away from home. You worked then you save and you settled back home. Don’t work and work and work until all your kids are all grown up. That they did not know you or spent time with you. You’ll miss all opportunity to be a part of your kids and your spouses life.

If you’re working in a foreign land with your family. Balance your life with work and family. I mean don’t work too much that you’ve loose your time with your family. Having things or providing all things for your family doesn’t mean that your doing great for them. Spending time with family is the best thing that you can do. I cannot stress enough how important time with family is.

Another thing is don’t forget your family behind. Your mother and father,other siblings and other family member. And also far away friends. Now that social media is so much popular, stay connected with family and friends.

And in your job, be an excellent worker,work hard. And reach out to other people around you, be a good friend to everyone. There are different people around , from different race and different background in life. If you’re good, you’ll gain lots of friends. And be active in your community, be involved in activities and be informed with whats happening in our surrounding.

Anywhere you are, be in a foreign land or not. BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE.

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  • Christian Merchandise