Photo by Filip Bunkens on Unsplash

I came to Canada during winter time, first time to see snow and experienced winter. I remembered that because its my first time here in winter wonder land, my body was shocked. Coming from a very warm country, my mind and body needs a big adjustment. My whole body became so itchy with lots of red tiny bumps all over. I needed to apply lots and lots of petroleum jelly all over my body. It helped a bit then the itchiness and redness goes a way after few days. What a relief!

But until now after many years, winter season still affects me in so many ways. I guess, i’ll never get used to it. Always want to escape this season or skip it if there’s a way. But winter is all a part of God’s design and while I’m in here might as well enjoy it than complain. Besides its not always winter, after those cold and snowy days, spring will come.

But how can we take care of ourselves during winter.

  1. Keep skin protected. Our skin becomes dry, cracked and scaly during winter months because of the cold weather, harsh winds, and dry indoor air all conspire to suck the moisture out of skin. Avoid taking long baths or shower because hot water rob the skin moisture. Apply skin moisturizers like essential oils, cocoa butter or shea butter. Add moisture to the air in your home or office by using humidifier.
  2. Stay hydrated. Staying well hydrated during winter is as important as in the summer. Winter brings drier air that leads to dehydration. Drinking plenty of water, you actually give your body the fluids it needs to fight off certain illnesses, such as the common cold or the flu. And its not just the water that counts, soups and foods with high water contents are good too.
  3. Get plenty of light. During winter, days become shorter and sunlight more scarce, many people feel sad—which can make you feel tired and depressed. Lack of light can cause the body to produce more of the chemical (melatonin), making the body feel tired and sluggish. Sunlight helps to improve your mood, makes you feel happy and energize. Take a walk outdoor if weather permits and enjoy the sunshine vitamin outside.
  4. Ease the pain. Joints in our body becomes problematic during winter months. Colder temperatures can shrink the tissues in our joints like our knees and hips, which can cause them to pull on the nerve endings and cause joint pain. Stay active (walking), refrained from sitting too long and do some exercise. Ease your pain with a massage.
  5. Sleep well. During winter getting up is so hard. It is very tempting to hibernate. But it doesn’t mean that we should sleep longer. If you sleep too much, you’ll fell even more sluggish during the day. Fight winter tiredness by getting enough undisturbed sleep. Aim for about eight hours of sleep at night, and try to go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.

Let’s keep your body healthy during winter days. Stay warm and eat nourishing food as well.

Get dress for the weather every time you go out and be prepare always for weather changes.

Whether you’re the kind of person who’s complaining about winter or you’re waiting patiently for the return of the sun, taking the time to keep yourself healthy can make a big difference in how you feel over winter. So just enjoy and support this winter––and take care of your body to make sure that you are healthy, and happy as possible all season long.


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  • Christian Merchandise