Internet Safety for Kids

Being able to use a laptop, tablet or computer to connect to the internet is a special privilege for responsible people.

And all of use should be responsible in using this great technology resource. Specially parents or grown ups, we should be great model in how to access internet.

As a parent, I worry about the internets effect to my kids. The things that they learn and watch, and influences that they got from internet.

They say that 3 out of 4 parents say that internet is NOT a safe place for kids, yet 76% of kids under 6 have online access. Kids have tablets and smartphones and are able to watch many not age appropriate shows.

I strongly agree that internet is not a safe place kids. Internet is a great resource for all of us, but there are too many stuff that you will get from it that is not good for you. That is why everyone should be responsible in using it.

Its the parents responsibility to keep kids safety online. There are too many information online that are not appropriate for kids. Parents are the one who should set examples and give limits on using the internet.

Here are some safety tips for parents that we can teach our children:

  1. Never send personal information online like address, phone no. or other private information.
  2. Never send picture of yourself to anyone without a parent’s permission.
  3. Do not open emails from people you don’t know. Do not reply to emails from unknown sender.
  4. Keep password private. Only you and your parents should know your passwords.
  5. Talk to parents if you’ve read or seen something online that makes you confuse or uncomfortable.
  6. Do not chat to person that you don’t know. Tell your parents if someone is chatting online.

Internet is a very powerful tool for learning and for entertainment. We have to be very careful and responsible in using it.

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  • Christian Merchandise