Life lessons during Covid-19

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Things that’s happening right now due to pandemic brings sadness to my heart.

All of us are affected by this corona virus, though we don’t have the virus. This virus brought a big change in our lives, no matter where we are, young and old, rich and poor.

This virus brought financial hardship for most people. Brought sadness, anxiety and depression to some. And fear of life’s uncertainty to most of us.

I think even though most of us don’t have the virus on our physical body, there’s a virus tha’ts in our heart and mind. FEAR. Most people are afraid of what will happen,how can we handle this and what will our future be.

What had happened to our world? There’s a virus and it seems that we all got the sickness. Even with our advance technology and with great human intelligence, we still cannot find the cure.

Some people died, others are still fighting for their lives, and others are infected with so much fear.

Most people are staying home, schools are close and most business are close. But most people still needs to go to work. But for all of us, things that we do freely before are now restricted.

I salute to all our front liners, doctors, nurses, health workers and all those people that still works to support the public’s essential needs. Even to the government, to the leaders that striving their best to protect the people.Thank you all for your great service.

This time made me realized the importance of others. Now that we cannot freely visit other people, or gather together in a group for family dinner and church worship. All things are mostly done online or thru the phone.

Money is not the answer for all that we need. Right now, we cannot go anywhere even if we have money. Our cars are just in the parking lot because we have no where to go. All our nice clothes are just in the closet. All our jewelries and fancy accessories are just like useless for now.

What we need is each other. Our neighbor. Our family. Love and sympathy from others. We all need each other. People need people. People are the one’s who will help us, take care of us, help and comfort us in time of need. I realized the importance of fellowship, of interacting with people, shake hands, hugs, social gathering and talking to people face to face.

I also realized the importance of the people around us that sometimes we just neglect to thank. We just think that they are there because their paid to be there. The grocery store workers, the truck drivers, the cashier, the farmers, delivery guys and the person who assist us on clinics and offices. Even our employers, the one who support us to make a living, whose our source of our income.

People around us matters. And we have to know their importance and appreciate them.

I believe what the Book of Romans says “For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone” WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER. We need each other’s help, support,love and encouragement. We need to pray for one another.

I know God is always in control and He is our greatest hope. Lets all put our hope in Him.

I hope and pray that our present situation will teach us life lesson. After this pandemic is over, we will all be back to our normal busy lives. May we not forget to give time to all that’s most important in our lives.

May we get something from this experience. One virus made the whole world to pause. Virus that change the way of our life. One virus that made us to realized life. One virus that made us more closer to God. One virus that made us stand together.

Of all that’s happening, thanks be to God for giving us brand new life each day. Thanks God for all His grace and mercy that is always new everyday.

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  • Christian Merchandise