LOGOS Program in Edmonton Schools

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

We as parents, wants to invest in our children’s education. We want all the best that our kids can get to have a great future.

And we also want them to have a great differ understanding of our faith, morals and beliefs.

We want them to have the knowledge and the principles to be good in their future endeavors in our society

Thanks to a faith based school programming alternative, we can have both learning at the same time.

My daughter started Logos program since Grade 1 until now, and we’re planning to let her continue until grade 10.

What is Logos Program?

Logos is a faith-based alternative programming of Alberta Education. School districts offers more than 30 more alternative programming options. Students in alternative programming receives instruction determined by Alberta Education, with focus on arts, language, faith based, or teaching philosophy.

Logos programming provides Christian education to support students in achieving spiritual and academic goals.

And their main goal is to integrate biblical principles into all areas of study. Also to teach Christian values, morals and beliefs.

I think this program is very beneficial to kids because through logos they increased their understanding of Christian faith. And develops spirituality through prayer and self-reflection and develops leadership skills.

My daughter told me that they have daily bible reading and prayer. They also have devotions and chapel time.

It is very important to teach our kids about our Christian beliefs and values
at home . But having them learn it at school is a bonus. Specially now, that kids can watch everything on the internet and with the busyness of working parents. Sometimes its hard to teach them if we don’t have time. So enrolling them in a logos program will really help, not only the kids but the parents too.

But not all schools offer this program. You can contact any of the following school that offers Logos if you want to know if you’re eligible.




There is a yellow busing option available from Kindergarten to Grade 6. And for grade 7 – 12, Edmonton transit is the method of transportation.

If you’re thinking of wHere to enroll your kids for the next year, you can consider this Logos program.

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  • Christian Merchandise