My Heart’s Motive

What’s in your heart? What’s your reason for doing things?

Sometimes we do things that we thought are good and helpful for others, that we’re doing the right thing. But deep within our heart’s our motives are not pure.

I’ve done that in my life, not only once but many times.

Things that are not bad and won’t hurt anyone or things that I think that will be beneficial for others. But eventually I realized , that my motives are not pure, my motives are self-centered.

MOTIVES are the reason, purpose of why we do things. It is the thing that cause us to act a certain way or do certain thing. Motives gives us our aim and drive to achieve something. It is not visible, it is in your heart, inside you.

Motives are deep in your heart and only GOD and you knows about it.

There are many things we do in our lives that we think that are good. But it is God who really knows whats our motives.

Why I say those words? Why I think of that? Why I act that way?

It is God who can see the motives of our heart. He knows when our motives are really pure.

I think we sometimes forget to think first before we do something. We have to check our motives first before acting or deciding on doing something.

As a Christian, I am reminded always to check my motives. Though things might look good in the outside, I should check the real motive on the inside.

I think for us to examine our motive if its pure, is to ask ourselves why many times before acting on something. Then ask yourself again ” if it aligns on the will of God” and then “will it glorify God.”


We all need to do a motive check always. Are we motivated by love?

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  • Christian Merchandise