Number our Days

Life is short, and I know that one day it will come to an end. A day that I will go , whether I like it or not, and I can’t turn back.

Our days are numbered, that’s why we have to number our days. It doesn’t mean just to merely count the days or months or just count our birthdays.

Everyday is just regular for us, we wake up, we eat, we do what needs to be done and then sleep. Then repeat the next day, and the next. But we forgot to pause and reflect.

This verse reminds me to reflect about my life, the human life. How our life is short, like a vapor, compare to eternity.

This verse means to reflect the brevity of our life here on earth. God has gifted life to us each day to bring glory to Him. That is why we should make the best use of our time during our stay here. Making the best in every opportunity in our life here on earth.

We all need to be reminded that earth is not our home. We are just passing by here on this planet. Each and everyday of our lives is an opportunity to live wisely for God’s glory.

I know it’s hard sometimes to reflect on our life. We are too busy making a living, we forgot how to live. How to live for God’s glory. We became too focus on things here on earth and we lost our real purpose in life. Our focus of thinking became so earthly that we lost focus of heaven, of eternity.

Our world now focuses on material things. That you need to have this and that. Those material things s are not bad but don’t let things take your focus away from God.

Many times worries about the future fills our heart and mind, we forget to live each day trusting God. We are to live one day at a time, and not worry about tomorrow. Trusting on the sufficiency God’s provisions each day.

For me, with all the busyness in life as a mother, with all the things that needs to be done each day. I sometimes forget to reflect on life. On how God graciously give me life each day.

I think if we learn to number our days, we will live each day differently. We live be living wisely and diligently. We will perform differently at work, we will be loving our neighbors. Our lives will be focus on how we will live for God.

Lets ask God to teach us to number our days, to reflect on our life so that we may gain wisdom from HIM. Wisdom to live our life to the fullest, and to live each day wisely.

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  • Christian Merchandise