SPENDING MONEY WISELY: Only Spend money that you have

Money, money, we chase money.

We think about money. We work to have money. We spend our money. We save or invest our money. We stress about money. We give away money. But we’re not able to bring money with us when we die.

There’s a song I remember that says “Money changes everything”, and there are poems that says “Money cannot buy everything.”

Yes, money is essential but money is not everything.

We all want to have money, but I am sure that we know that not all of our problems will go away if we have lots of it.

In the olden days, I think its harder to earn money, but people are wiser in spending their money. Nowadays, its easier to earn money but money quickly flies away because people are not wise in spending them.

Before if you want to buy something, you save money to get it. Now, people just swipe their credit cards and get want they want. Its a trap that many people falls in, and realized it too late when their on deep trouble.

We are all allured by spending on many material things. People wanted to buy more and more things that they don’t even need. Its like all things around are promoting people to spend more and more.

I was in that situation before but then I’ve learned my lesson not to spend money that I don’t have.

When I was new in using credit card, I told myself. I’ll just use it for smaller purchase then pay it right away. But then life happens, things change, then realized that I was drowning.

Few years past and I was in debt bondage because of not thinking wisely. By using credit card mostly in every purchase, I didn’t realized that I was renting money on a very high rate. I was using credit card money that I don’t even have.

I am not saying credit card is bad, its a great financial tool, but can be dangerous if not use properly and wisely.

My advice on only spending what you have in your pocket is to:

  1. Budget your money. Plan on how you will spend and what you will spend your money on. Put your money on where it is needed.
  2. If using a credit card, be sure that you can pay it off immediately.
  3. Just use you cash or debit instead of credit – If you always use credit card (though you can earn points), it is better to pay with the money that you have than face the interest cost and stress that owing money brings.
  4. If you are facing a decision on buying something, ask yourself “Can I afford it?, Will it fit to my budget? If the answer is no, then it means you might have to save for it or buy it later when you have the money for it.

Spend only money that you have and earned. If you want to buy something out of budget, buy it next time when you have saved some money for it.


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  • Christian Merchandise