Perennials or Annuals: What’s best for my yard?

Photo by krystina rogers on Unsplash

Everyone of us loves beautiful blooming flowers in our yard. And there are so many kinds out there, its so hard to choose.

But have you ever noticed that some flowers have to planted each year while others just pop up on their own year after year? Its because some are annual plants and others are perennial plants.

Annual plants are plants that last only for one year. They grow from seed, bloom, produce seeds and then die in one life cycle. Every spring, they need to be replanted.

Most annuals bloom for a long time and provide beautiful colors from spring until fall. Some of the most favorite ones are the petunias, marigolds, and zinnias.

Perennial plants live for more than two year. They grow year after year and continue growing until they get matured. The term “perennial” refers to herbaceous (“green”)plants.

Unlike the annuals, perennials tends to bloom only for a short time – one to three weeks- each year. Some popular perennials flowers are tulips, asters, black-eyed susans, and lilies.

Perennials do not have to be replanted each year. But some gardeners choose to replace certain perennials, every 2 to 3 years when they started to decline.

Some perennials might return year after year for 20 years or more. Perennials have structures, such as bulbs and rhizomes, allowing them to survive for many years.

So i can easily remember each type of plant, i think of annuals are the yearly plants, since annual means “yearly”. And for the perennials i tried to remember them as permanent because i don’t have to plant them every year.

But there is another plant that is not perennial or annual. They call them Biennial plants because they have a two-year life cycle.

They grow as green plants on the first year, survive winter, and then bloom the following year. After blooming and producing seeds, biennial plants dies.

Now, we know the different kinds of plants. This can help us decide which to plant on our yard.

I think perennials can save as money on the long run because we don’t have to buy new and plant them year every year. But if you want different varieties and colors every year you can get the annuals. And you’ll enjoy them longer because they bloom longer.

Whatever kind of plant you choose, you can enjoy blooming flowers every year.

For us this year, we will try to plants seeds of different varieties of annuals. And plant some vegetable like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cabbage. Hope it will work out good.

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  • Christian Merchandise