Post with a Purpose

You can do anything now, almost anything with just a push of a button. You can shop anytime and anywhere you are. You can get the latest video and download just about anything that interest you. You can have whatever you like.

Our social life, our opinions and everything about our lives can be shared in an instant too with social media. We can broadcast all what’s in our mind all over the world.

Thanks to the power of technology, the power of internet. Its like internet is a part of our lives now, and with its power, its like impossible to live without it.


As a Christian, I think we should be careful and thoughtful on what we like, share, post , and comment on. It says clearly about ourselves.

Psychological research shows that your “likes” on Facebook tells what kind of person you are, it gives a picture of who you really are.

I have joined several groups on Facebook and mostly they have rules, and there’s an admin who approved or disapproved your post.

I am just thinking about our posting on social media, if God is the admin who filters all our post , will He approved or disapproved our posts.

Of course, all of us are free to do whatever we want in our lives, even on our social media life. But still, you have to pause before you post, you have to decide clearly in your mind what is your purpose on postings.

I know all of us wants to be noticed, to be recognized or be liked and accepted, but do you really have to post everything about your life and be all public all over the world. Do you have to share even the private matters of life.


On whatever we post on social media, have you think first before posting? Did you have a clear purpose in your heart and mind what you wanted to achieved? Have you consider what will God say? Did you think of all the persons who can see your post.

Even on social media, you can glorify God, you can share God’s love.

THINK before you post! Is it:

  • True?
  • Helpful?
  • Inspiring?
  • Necessary?
  • Kind?

Will our post encourage someone? Will our post give glory to God? Will our post be beneficial to anyone?

Check the motives of our hearts and be reminded that even on social media, we will be accountable on whatever we post or do with it.

Now before you post, like, tweet, comment, or share, remember, you are an ambassador for Christ, God’s representative online.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

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  • Christian Merchandise