Proverbs 6:23

There are times in our life that we feel walking in darkness. We sometimes feel lost and don’t know the right direction to turn to. Its hard to walk in the dark, it’s uncomfortable and dangerous.

Often times, our life seems running towards a wrong direction and we end up in failure. With all the busyness in life and all life’s problem we sometimes feel astray.

But God’s word is a lamp and a light in our life. It can enlighten our eyes and direct our paths. God’s word can show us the way and can lead us into the right direction. It can make things clear and enlightens our understanding.

This verse is teaching me to read more of God’s word and know His commandments. I know in my life, i always needs God’s light, God’s instruction , direction and even God’s discipline. There are things in my life that needs light and understanding from God.

In life, there are people that God uses to lead us to right direction. Our parents are God’s instrument to instruct us to choose right things in life. Listening and learning from them is one of God’s way of teaching us. God uses other people with experiences and wisdom from Him. Those people around us are sometimes God’s tool in helping us in life.

Help us to remember to treasure God’s word more, listen and read more of His word. And always be connected to people that God uses to help and guide us in our life.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

– Psalm 119:105

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  • Christian Merchandise