Some people had never ever visited thrift store, the buying of used goods never crossed their minds.

Of course, we all wanted to have and own new items. But sometimes, there are reasons to buy used products. I think there is nothing wrong with used goods.

It’s just that there’s a social stigma that comes with it. Sometimes, others think that you can’t afford new stuff that’s why you don’t buy brand new. And that used items are very low in quality and won’t last.

For me, I don’t mind buying used goods. There are somethings that you need to buy new and somethings that you can buy used. And you have to be careful in choosing things that you will bring home.

When we were going to have our first baby, I told myself, I will never buy used clothing for her. Surely, i didn’t bought used from stores but I received so many used clothing from family and friends.

Now I always go to thrift stores to buy seasonal items for my kids, like winter boots and jackets.

Here are some reason why buying used goods are good for you:

1.Used are are money saver. You will be able to buy products 50%-90% cheaper. Your hard earned dollar will go farther, and you will saved more money.

2. Used products don’t require new resources. Production of new things requires new resources. Which have negative effect to our environment. But when you buy used, new resources are not consumed.

3.Used items don’t generate pollution. Toxic chemicals, pesticides and carbon emission pollutes our environment. And for growing, producing new stuff more pollution is added into the atmosphere. Used products won’t re-generate that pollution again.

4. Used products don’t require energy to create. Energy from electricity and from oil is used when new products are manufactured, packed and shipped. Used goods locally don’t required energy expect for the gas that you will use to go to the store.

5. Used goods are packaging free. When you buy used products you don’t have to deal with packaging. Items that are bought brand new comes with some kind of packaging – cardboard, Styrofoam, shrink wrap and plastics. Materials that you have to throw away or that you have to recycle.

6. You support good cause. Buying used products from thrift stores stores support good cause like feeding and helping the homeless or helping the poor from other part of the world.

7. You keep items out of landfill. When you buy used , you are using the product to its full potential and keeping them away from landfill. You are making the product last longer and getting more out of it.

I think buying used products is not only good for your wallet but also good for our environment. It’s the smart thing to do to help save our planet and keep money for yourself.

Have you tried buying from thrift stores or garage sales, or from other people from craigslist or Kijiji?

Or are you using second hand clothing and items from family and friends?

One man’s garbage is someone else’s treasure.


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  • Christian Merchandise