Spending money wisely: Save money for rainy days

I remember when I was in Girls Scout, we say that “we are always ready”. I hope it goes the same in life. I think there are some things in life that we can’t be ready. But we can plan and be prepared.

Everyday is not always a bright and sunny day. Sometimes the rain comes. Same with our lives, we are not always on top of everything. Someone might get sick or loose a job in the family. Or your car will break down, or someone will have to visit the dentist. Something or anything might happen unexpectedly.

Happens to all of us. I remember first day of school in 2021, drop off my kids to school. And because of the mask fogging up my glasses, I took off my glasses and hang it on my shirt. Then while inside my car, can’t find my glasses. Traced my wake back, happy to find my glasses in the snow but unfortunately its not in one piece. Same day, got eye exam then got new pair of glasses. But have to wait for 2 weeks to get them ready. Good thing super glue can hold my broken glasses together.

When rainy days come, its better when we are prepare. When we have our umbrella or raincoat to keep us dry.

We all know that once in a while rain will come. But not all of us get ready for it.

There are unexpected matters that happened to all of us. Change in our job, our family , our health and other surprising expenses. But how can you be ready if you don’t save, if you don’t put aside even just a little bit of money for emergency.

If you save money, you will have something to use when emergency comes. But what will you use if you didn’t save, you will have to ask for financial help from others. You will owe money from banks or other people. There’s nothing wrong with it if you really need to. But if you save, you can use up your saving first before asking outside help.

It is better that when the need arises, you have some savings to use.

Not when the need arises, you can loan from someone.

Learn from the Ants, Proverbs 30:25 says, “Ants are of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer.”

Saving money for a rainy day is a great lesson we can get from the ants.

There are good times in our life when we can work and achieved our goals. That’s the time we can plan, save and be ready for life’s emergency. The time we can gather and save up when rain comes.

There will always be something that will happened not according to plan. Periods in life that seems like rainy days. Matters that are out of our control.

But when you save up during sunny days, you will have something to use during rainy days.

So learn from those tiny ants, save up, plan and be prepared for the rainy season of life.


Rainy days always end, things do get better in life.

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  • Christian Merchandise