Spending Money Wisely: Stay out of Debt

Getting into debt is so easy, but getting out of it feels like the hardest, specially when you owed too much from others. Debt is like a very heavy burden that you carry around. It does affect your life and the way you live. Some people carry too much debt that they seek financial help from professional.

Like what we did in the past, we got drowned in the ocean of debt. Professional helped was needed to rescue us.

Financial debt is like a painful words to some. I think in some point in our life we will acquire debt. But to have a very heavy load of debt, it will make you worry too much and not enjoy life that God had intended you to be.

Owing money from someone is not bad, its not a sin or something. Its not against the law.

It becomes bad when you acquire too much debt then cannot repay money that you owed. And miss mostly the due dates of monthly bills.

I became a modern slave, working and working just to pay someone else. People nowadays are modern slaves, we are working to the max, because we are slave of our desires, our wants. Because of commercialism and materialism , we work and work to fulfill our desires.

My plan before was to use credit card and pay it right away. But past forward few years and we were drowning in so much debt. Thanks God we were rescued.

I think to stay out of debt is to not get into it in the first place. Because once you started it, you will get trap , and without you knowing it you are going deeper and deeper and will get drown.

But it’s never too late, if you’re in a financial bondage and in so much debt. There is always a way to stay out of it. And it starts on your will and desire to be debt free.

You need to change your attitude about money. Remember that you’re a steward of money and God is the source of everything.

Budget and plan your spending. Use money on needs before wants.

Save money especially for bigger expenses.

Stop using your credit card, when its possible. Whenever you use it , you are using money that you don’t have.

If money is too tight, try to find other source of income, or lessen your expenses.

Ask for professional help if you need to.

There are so many financial advises that can be given. I searched and searched before on the internet how we’ll be able to get out of our debt. Thank God, we were financially free from credit card debt.

If you are financially burdened with debt, ask for help. Financial freedom is possible, it will bring you relief and you will have less worries in life.

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  • Christian Merchandise