Staying Active and Connected during Quarantine

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Its been more than a month now since we’ve lost our freedom(partly). We as social beings was cut off to the normal interaction to others. The things we do freely before are now restricted and most of us are staying home.

It’s just sad that our connection with others are mostly affected. But there’s some benefit to it, i think, we get to spend more time with family. And for others its a time of pause to rediscover own self.

But how do we stay active and connected to the world during this time. Though we are all staying home we can still do lots of things to connect with people and be active physically. The new normal now it seems, is staying connected online.

Stay connected. Use technology in connecting with the people that you love. You can use group chats, text someone, call them or maybe even send a card or letter through mail.

Think of your neighbor. Drop off something that you can give to your neighbor like foods, flowers, cards or anything that you can give away. This is a great thing to cheer others up even from a distance.

Celebrate online. We love parties and celebration but we can’t do it right now. But you can call and gather up all friends and celebrate thru zoom or group chat. People can sing for you and say their wishes.

Work out together. We cannot neglect physical exercise during this time. We must stay fit and healthy as we wait to return to our normal lives when this pandemic is over. Set up a specific time that you can do workout with your friends or family virtually. Or watch exercise videos together at home and workout together.

Celebration Parade. This can be done by contacting all friends and asking them to celebrate with you. Friends can drop by to the celebrants home, wave and say birthday greetings from your car or from a distance.

Share you knowledge. You can share your expertise to others by creating videos, or do youtube live or facebook live to teach others with your crafts or special talent that you have. Maybe your cooking, baking, crafting or any other knowledge you have.

Weekly Family Meet-up. Those family members or friends that you wanted to see can be gathered for meet up. Setting up a specific day and time every week is a great way to connect. You can use zoom or messenger or other online connection.

Gather thoughts and plan ahead. While you are home and the world is at pause. You can gather your thoughts, ideas and things you wanted to do and make a plan. Short and long term plans can be written as your staying home. When we get back to normal you’re ahead in planning, and all ready to face the world again.

Playdate online. While kids are all staying home due to school closure, they can still connect with friends. They are all bored at home and wanting to go to the outside world. Set up time for your child to meet up classmates, family and friends online.

Game night. Playing games together can be done virtually too. I’ve seen my kids and their classmates playing together at roblux. Some games can be set up to be done online too. And trivia game and guessing games are good ones too.

Make and Create. Be crafty and creative. Make crafts together, color together and make DIY projects at home. To make this virtually, watch videos and tutorial of same projects and then show individual work after.

Family time.This quarantine time is a very good time to connect with family. Read together, play, watch movie and discuss with each other. Family connection can be tighten if family read bible together and pray together. Gather up everyone and watch church online service together.

Be an encouragement. This time is a very hard and challenging time for everyone. Most people are depressed, sad and needed some encouragement. You can share experience to cheer others up. You can talk about how your coping with our present situation. You can share a bible verse, a life quote or sing a song. We all need someone , we need each other to be positive in life. Tell others how you’re doing and share ways how to cope.

Go outdoor. It’s nice to go outside the house and walk around but practice social distancing. You can go jogging, biking , walking or walking your pet out. Get out and get some fresh air and enjoy the sunshine and the beauty of nature.

Gardening together. Spring is here and we can all get together and do some gardening. Its good and fun time to connect with family and nature. Plan on gardening together, get other families ideas on gardening and how to do it. Exchange ideas and plant together.

Unplug from technology. Since when did you stop looking at your phone. When did you stop to smell the flowers or pause to gaze the beauty of nature. Now is the time to relax and enjoy while the world is on pause. Connect and talk with family without any gadget. Discuss matters with your teenage kid. Eat longer around the dining table. Read books together and hug each other. Laugh together. Dig up some old photo albums, reconnect with the past. Write somethings that you’ve learn from this pandemic.

I’m sure, we will all get back to our busy lives after these but we’ve made our family connection stronger.

Connect to God. This is the connection that does not need technology. God’s word, the bible is always with us to read, memorize and meditate on. God’s prayer line is always open and never gets busy or disconnected. During this time, get your spiritual live busy. Get more and more connected and closer to God. He’s always online and connected, we just got toobusy that’s why we think the connection was lost. If we connect with God, our faith gets stronger and all our worries and fears diminish. And the peace of God gets into our hearts and mind.

Support others. You can help and support neighbors and other people. You can drive by friends houses and wave to check them if their okay. Greet them and cheer them up. Its a great thing to do to help others be positive for our future.

Try something new. While you are staying home, try new things. Try doing the things that you we’re not able to do before. Try baking or learn new hobby. With all the tutorials online, you will discover new things to do. You will discover the other side of yourself.

With this pandemic our lives was change. We came to realized the importance of connection with people and with God. The importance of family, of other people and of all that’s matter to us.

I hope when this is over, all of us have learned something. That when we get through this we became better and stronger individual. That we’ve have stronger connection to God and our family. We became positive and are all looking for a brighter future.



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  • Christian Merchandise