Photo by Luca Laurence on Unsplash

Some people think that having lots of stuff will make them happy. But we all know that having too many things wont make us happy.

But when does having lots of things becomes too much?

You might open your kitchen drawers and covers they’ll be lots of kitchen utensils and gadgets. Open the fridge and too much jars and cans of food are in there.

Or you might walk into your closet and find lots and lots of clothes that you don’t even wear. Hanging or folded and just taking space.

And if you have kids you might find your house full of toys. Toys that kids doesn’t even open or play with.

For me, I know I have too much stuff when it comes to crafting. My paper crafts and decoupage crafts are taking over lots of space.

Why people got so lucky of having too much, while others have not even one?

Too many neckties, when we only have one neck. Too many shoes, when we only have just one set of feet(left and right). Too many bags, too many clothes, too many food. Too many of everything .Too many stuff that we don’t really need.

I guess its because of how the society and technology is. We are saying that we are so advance in technology but then we became a wasteful society.

WE keep on acquiring things, buying things, storing them, saving them or whatever we do. But we end up with too many stuff that adds stress and burden to our lives.

I know that wherever our treasure is that’s where our heart is. If we have too many things in life, we use most of our thinking and give more of our energy to it.

We use most of our time, taking care of our possessions. And we tend to forget the most important thing to have fun and enjoy time with our family.

TOO MUCH STUFF CAUSES STRESS. Very true for me, there are days that i want to throw away everything and start a new. Too many things to clean, to sort and to organize. And my head hurts just thinking about it.

Being in a family of five, we’ve acquired too many clothes. Some of them are store bought and some are gifts. But we have too much. Washing them, folding and cleaning the closet takes a lot of time. Maybe if we don’t have to much clothing, i can use my time on some other task at home.

How can you know that you have too much? We’ll look around your house, check all drawers and closets. Do you have more than what you need? If there are things that just keep on adding up, then its time to do something.

What to do to simplify our life and not to have to much.

  1. STOP BUYING THINGS. Stop acquiring more and more things. Things wont make you happy. Just buy what you need. Use what you have. Make a plan to control yourself on buying, decide and stick to it.
  2. GET RID OF STUFF. You have to get rid of something. If things are getting more and more try to get rid of some of it. Box them and donate them. Or give it to someone in need, instead of them just sitting in your display cabinet or in your closet.

Doing this maybe hard, but we all can try. Maybe it can make our life lighter and we can use more time to the more important aspects of our lives.


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  • Christian Merchandise