Waiting on God

Micah 7:7

Who wants to wait?

I think “waiting” is a dreaded word. Nobody wants to wait especially in our fast and instant world now.

When we want something we want to get it right away. Instant answer. Who wants to wait in a line up? We wanted to have fast internet, fast service, fast cars, fast connections, its like we want all things to be full speed.

Even in our prayers, sometimes when we ask God for something, we want God to answer “yes” right away. We don’t want to wait on God’s perfect timing.

When we have trials and pains, problems or issues in life, we wanted God to like wave the magic wand and act instantly.

But we cannot get everything express. There are things that we have to wait for. Things that are much better when its ripened in time and given to us in due time. Yes, we all do want instant answer but God does not operate like us. God sees the whole picture and He has a perfect timing for everything. He is a God who is not advance or delayed in answering prayers, He’s always in perfect timing.

Not only in prayers, but in our daily life. There are times that we have to wait, not just wait, but wait patiently.

Don’t be a person who waits but is irritated and angry. Don’t be an annoying person when you are in a line up at a store or restaurant. Or when you’re on hold on a phone for a long time. Like what other’s say, “be patient and calm”.

In our verse today, lets look unto the Lord and wait on Him. WE can trust and hope in whatever promised He said He will do it on His own perfect timing.

Let’s wait on God.

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”


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  • Christian Merchandise