Ways to reduce our Waste

We have a huge problem about garbage. And I believe we are all involve in creating this waste problem. But not all are getting involve in making or doing any solution.

Some are concern and some just don’t care.

On this post, I will try to find ways on how we can reduce our waste, so we have less to reuse and recycle.

  1. STOP BUYING. To lessen our waste, we have to stop buying more and more things. Things that we don’t really need. We are reducing waste by simply not acquiring more.
  2. BRING REUSABLE BAGS. Don’t forget to bring your own reusable bags when shopping. Reusable produce bags are good for your produce items.Single use plastic bags decompose for 10 to 20 years in the landfill.
  3. SHOP LOCALLY. Shopping locally is better because it supports the local economy. Local shops use a lot less plastics and wraps on their products.
  4. AVOID PLASTIC WRAPPED FOODS. Almost all foods now are wrapped in plastic, it will be hard to find one that is plastic free. Much of the waste we have are from food/product wraps. Try your best to look for foods that are not wrapped in plastic.
  5. AVOID SINGLE-USE PRODUCTS. Single use plastics are the kind of waste that takes too long to decompose. They may take 1000 years to decompose. Say no to plastic cups, straws, cutlery, plates and plastic packages , avoid these products and use reusables.
  6. HAVE YOUR OWN REUSABLE BOTTLES. Plastic water bottles can take up to 450 years to decompose, that is why we have to stop buying them. But I just don’t get it, why they keep on producing them, and people still keeps on buying them. Bring your own reusable bottle anywhere, you will save our planet and save money too.
  7. BUY SECOND HAND. Buying second-hand is better than buying new, and it also saves you money. Fashion industry is one of the most destructive in our planet. So next time you need new outfit, visit your local thrift store or charity shop.Even electronics, before buying new one, try to look for used one. You’ll save money and save the environment at the same time. I know there are things that we really need to buy new ones for health/hygiene reason. But when you need something that used one is fine to use, buy the used one or borrow from someone.
  8. STOP THROWING AWAY FOODS. We are the throw away society, we produce too much organic waste. We have to stop wasting food. We should plan our meals, and purchased only food we will eat. If there’s left over food, put in a container(refrigerate)for tomorrow or freeze. If your foods mostly end up in the trash bin, you have to think and have a purchasing plan. Throwing away food is straight up throwing money on the garbage can.
  9. RECYCLE/REUSE FOOD CONTAINERS. I love buying foods in jars and bottles because i can reuse the containers. I can make crafts from them and sell. When you have reusable containers, wash, rinse and reuse them. You can use them as pen holders or craft things or maybe storing dried foods.
  10. USE REUSABLES. On my journey to be eco friendly, I’ve tried many different ways. I use reusable grocery bags, produce bags, sanitary napkins and reusable bottles. Using reusables saves money and save our environment. If only each person will use reusables, it will lessen much waste in the landfill.
  11. REPAIR ITEMS BEFORE GETTING A NEW ONE. In the olden days, people, repair and restore old things. But now, people just toss and buy new ones. We have to fix what we have before we think of getting a different one. Try fixing broken things, or painting, sewing or just cleaning up. It will save money in your pocket.
  12. USE WHAT YOU HAVE. There are so many stuff we have, and we keep on acquiring more and more. Sometimes when we need a thing, we just head on to the stores and buy. Not looking on what we have first. Instead of doing that, check what you have first and use them, before getting new ones.
  13. BUY CLEARANCE ITEMS AT SUPERMARKETS. When I go grocery shopping, I always check the reduced item section. There you can find foods that are going to be expired soon. There are some foods there that you can get if you will cook or consume it right away. You save money and then you save the food from being thrown away.
  14. COMPOSTING. Collect food scraps or organic waste and take it to compost bins in your community. Or if you have garden, compost organic waste and use it in your garden.
  15. BRING OWN CONTAINERS. There are stores now that you can bring your own containers for refill. I would love to see more stores doing this. This way you’ll save on all those packaging waste. You can do this on some earth stores or you can find stores locally in your area.

There are more ways to reduce the waste we produce. But if you want to help , you have to start doing it.

There’s a difference in thinking about it , deciding on doing it, or really doing it.

Let’s all do our part, one person’s act can make a huge difference.

What are your ways in reducing the ways?

Please share your ideas.

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  • Christian Merchandise