Photo by Jilbert Ebrahimi on Unsplash

Have you think for sometime of how much things, possession you have in life. How much waste have you generated and have you done anything to save the environment?

Everyone of us are constantly searching for brand new things. Even though we already have too much. Our present time is a society of excessive consumption and waste of food and products. All people, young and old are influenced by commercialism, that we need to have the brand new and state of the art products and the latest in technology. We prefer disposables item over durable and reusable ones that can be repaired. I believe people don’t want to repair anymore, just throw it away and replaced things with a new one.

And because we focus so much on things, our surroundings are filled with so many waste that we cannot fully dispose. We’ve created an environmental problem that we’re all affected, not just us but all that’s been living here on earth. And also the future generations are in danger. And if you and I don’t think of a way to resolve this, we’ll be in more problems in the future. If this trend of throw away society continues, the next generation will be swimming in waste.

I have some ideas that might help :

  1. Minimize the over consumption of products. Don’t buy and buy and buy things that you don’t really need. Think if its really a need or just a want.
  2. If you are going to buy, buy durable and reusable products rather than constantly replacing them. Stay away from single use plastics.
  3. Recycle and reuse products instead of throwing them away or disposing them. It will be good for your wallet and for the environment.
  4. Don’t buy too much food that only ends up in the waste basket. It’s like throwing your hard earn money straight to the garbage can.
  5. If a thing is broken, try fixing it first before tossing it away.
  6. Buy pre-owned or secondhand products. You’re not only saving money but your taking products that’s on its way to the landfill.
  7. Donate your used or old things to friends or family members. Or bring them to donation centers or charity groups.

Those were my ideas and maybe you have some more. If you make a difference today, the world can be a better place for our future generations.



The Reuse Centre accepts various items from Edmonton residents free of charge and makes them available to organizations and individuals for reuse. The Reuse Centre is unique as it deals with items that are not accepted for reuse elsewhere.

The Centre has three main goals:

  • To promote the idea and benefits of reuse
  • To provide affordable items to organizations and individuals
  • To divert waste from landfill

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  • Christian Merchandise