What is FOMO?

According to Wikipedia, “Fear of missing out is a social anxiety stemming from the belief that others might be having fun while the person experiencing the anxiety is not present. It is characterized by a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing.”

With the rise of social media FOMO is gaining more and more traction in everyone’s life because of its power to dominate our life, our mental health and our way of living.

I’ve seen it, crossing the street while browsing the phone, driving while looking at the phone. Even on dinner tables, eating while checking the phone, watching tv and looking at phone at the same time. Even on gatherings and family events, most of the time browsing at the phone.

I’ve experienced it, check the phone first thing in the morning and before going to sleep. I told myself I will just check the messages that ends up browsing and browsing for a long time. I sometimes even fell asleep while checking the phone.

Looking on other peoples life that made me compare my life with them. It sometimes results to envy, sadness and dissatisfaction with my own life.

Not good, not healthy but it happens. I admit it, its an addiction,

Its true what I’ve read ” people are prisoners of their phones, that is why its called a cell phone.” Yes, we became prisoners admit it or not.

FOMO gives significant stress in our lives. Sometimes it results to depression on some people.

People who uses social networking sites at a high rate, especially adolescents may experience FOMO.

Social media provides a situation in which you are comparing your regular life to the highlights of others’ lives. When you keep on browsing and see things, events, places, and happenings on other people. You tend to be sad and sometimes envy, thinking that other peoples lives are so much better than yours. Social media becomes a place of bragging and showing off that seems to be life competition. Showing off best pictures, places that they’ve been, and life experiences, which leads to wondering what you are lacking in life.

If you keep on looking on others life, comparing and wondering, you loose your joy.


  1. Have a Real Life Connection. Instead of connecting to people on social media, try meeting up with real people. Connect and talk with friends, enjoy a day in a park or coffee shop.
  2. Be Grateful. Think of all the things that you have and be thankful for it. Being thankful will uplift your spirit and will make you feel good about yourself. Gratefulness will relieved you from stress and anxiety. Try telling others what you’re thankful for or share your experiences. Thank God always for all His blessings and provisions.
  3. Focus on what you have. When you keep on looking at what others have you loose sight of the blessing you have. You tend to see more of what your lacking and not notice what you already have. When you look and see what God has done , and what he has given you, your happiness will increase.
  4. Keep a journal. You can jot down things or events that happened to you in a journal. Recording life experiences and great memories can be a getaway on the cycle of social media. When you seek social approval you put it on a social media. But when you write it on a journal you shift to private appreciation of the things that make your life great.

FOMO can be experienced with any people of all ages. And if you are suffering from this, reach out to a friend or someone for help. Engage in activities that will help you reflect in your own life. Talk to people who will listen and pray with you.

Maybe disconnect on social media for a bit or minimize your time on social media. If social media is zapping your joy and increases your stress, decrease your time on it and focus on other activities.


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  • Christian Merchandise