Photo by Russ Martin on Unsplash

“THEIR LIFE IS BETTER THAN MINE” we heard people saying this most of the time or maybe we’ve utter those words too.

Sometimes when where thinking and we see the life of other people, we think that their lives are doing better than ours. Specially now with the power of social media, people keep on posting on almost anything that they do in life. Nothing is private, everything is out for everyone’s eyes to see.

But the truth is we don’t really know what’s happening on someone else’s life. We cannot really see what people are going through. What’s on others people heart and mind or what their experiencing. Maybe behind those smile, there’s sadness hiding.

“Their life is better than mine, they have lots of money, while I …”

“Good for them, they are always on different places for vacation, while I am…”

“their life is better than mine, they can buy whatever they want.”

“Their better than me, their business is doing well…”

“They are better, they have this and they have that.”

“They look so happy, hope i can be like them.”

“they are so lucky, they have everything.”

We can say “Their life is better” on almost every area of our lives but does it do any good to us or to them?

Sometimes what happens is our life becomes comparison, a competition , a race on which one is better. This should not happen. I think people tend to compare sometimes because we have goals that we are aspiring to achieve or sometimes we just lack contentment on whatever we have.

Maybe we can stop comparing our life to others if we think that God has put us on our own special spot in life. On whatever we are in, lets make the most of it and keep on improving, not to covet on what others are having or doing. All of us have our own journey, Not because we’ve study the same course in school, we’ll land on the same job. Everyone have their own path.

Also God has given each and everyone of us, different talents and abilities. Let’s us use it not to compete with others but the improved ourselves.

I think God is not glorified when we always compare our lives with others.

The truth is we don’t really know what others are going through. When they are always on parties and on different places doesn’t mean that their life is better than ours. We don’t know maybe behind someones smile, there is sadness, depression or heavy burdens in their hearts.

So, let’s stop comparing our lives with others. Stop thinking that their lives is better than ours. Le’ts be thankful of what we have , improved ourselves and help others to improved and succeed in life.

God will be glorified if we improve our own life and reach out our hands to help others.

Whatever circumstance we have right now, we can say that “MY LIVE IS DOING BETTER” if we learn to be contented and grateful for what God has given us.

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  • Christian Merchandise