In our life’s journey, there are times that we have concerns, problems and questions. Thanks God, we can find help in the Bible, and our questions will be answered.

Part of growing up is finding answers to questions like: what is important to me? What do I value? What makes me tick, and what leaves me cold? How am I different from my parents, siblings, or friend? What is it that makes me “me”? And what is expected of me? The Bible gives us a helpful framework within which we can look at these questions without fear.

One of the first biblical statements is that God created us. What’s more, human beings reflect God in away that lions and water lilies, Mount Everest and Saturn’s rings do not. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, puts it this way: ” Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26a).

In other words, we don’t need to try to give meaning to existence. It’s already there: God wanted us. And if indeed we were made in God’s image, questions like “Who am I?” or “What am I going to do with my life?” will tie in with becoming more fully what we were always meant to be: people whose lives and character reflect something of the divine.

Following on from Genesis 1:26, the Bible tells story after story about people, often ordinary people, who heard God’s call. They usually ended up taking on special task; daunting, more often that not, and one that took their life to a whole new level. Each time the starting point was not the person’s abilities, but the voice of vocation, and their response.

Few of us will ever make history like some of the biblical characters did, but God is calling us, nonetheless. So, as you look at life ahead of you, the Bible invites you to trust that your value won’t lie in your future achievements but in the fact that God made you who you are, and the question of how you might reach your potential will become an ongoing discovery of God’s call, and how his image, placed in you, might take shape and come to life.

Other Helpful Passage:

  • Genesis 1,
  • Genesis 12:1-9
  • Exodus 3:1-4,17
  • Ruth 1:1-18
  • 1 Kings 19
  • Mark 2:13-17
  • Luke 5:1-11
  • Romans 8:26-30

<This lesson is taken from ESV Youth Bible>

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  • Christian Merchandise