Photo by Nicolai Berntsen on Unsplash

Overwhelmed! Too busy! It seems that the world is moving so much faster now. People are always doing something and always rushing. Why are we like spinning top in our modern day of living. We are living in a fast paced environment and we’re like racing with time. Most people are overwhelmed with work and are getting a lot more busier.


As far as i remember, long time ago, people then have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day like what we have today but they can manage to do and finish their task. Without the rushing and the racing . And I believe they have free time and time to relax.

Some say its economics. Technological advances and economic progress makes as think that we have so much to do. While economies grow and income raises, everyone’s time becomes so valuable and this creates urgency to make every moment counts. People gets to be in a hurry all the time and are all raising to be on the top. Everyone feels that there is a shortage of time.

And as I can see the the more that you get busy, the more you rush and the more you loose patience. People now don’t to wait in line or on the phone or on the traffic light. Because time is so much important that we don’t want to waste it. As the saying goes “time is gold”, that’s true and i might say that “time well spent is gold” .

Are you really, really busy? Do you want to relax and rest for a bit?

Let’s check on some tips to reduce busy-ness:

  1. Set your priorities. Make a list of what needs to be done first.
  2. Be unavailable sometimes. Choose a day that you’ll unplug from tv, internet, technology or entertainment.
  3. Say no once in a while. Don’t make too many commitments.
  4. Declutter your home and have spot your things around the house. This way you won’t loose precious time on searching for things.
  5. Get enough sleep and be energize for the day.
  6. Pay your bills online. So that you can save time on trips paying them.
  7. Brainstorm and plan your day or your week.
  8. Schedule your leisure time.
  9. If you are forgetful (like me), always have a pen and paper ready to right down things that needs to be done.
  10. Spend time alone meditating or praying. You will have peace of mind and you can think of noble thing to do.

If you cut back on busyness, you’ll have more enjoyable time on the things that you really love. Let’s all simplify our lives and take time to breath.

You can share more ways that you can add on the list.

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  • Christian Merchandise