Why should I care on saving earth

photo by Miriam Espacio

I”ve always been a supporter of saving the environment, our home, our earth. My family, my kids are my inspiration and they are the reminder to me how important it is to preserve earth.

I think of all the people in the world that should support saving our earth are the Christians. I am a Christian and I do care and i want to do my part in saving our nature.

Earth is our home, created for us to enjoy and preserve at the same time for future generations.

I think, taking care of nature is not fully sink in into most of the people.I believe we’ve all heard about climate change, global warming, glaciers melting, ozone destruction and so much more. But we only know it but we don’t do anything about it.

Surely awareness is very important for all of us. Earths natural beauty is fading and we are the one causing its destruction. I for one have contributed my share on earths damage.

Again, earth is our home, we’ve all enjoy its beauty and all its benefits but do we do anything to take care of it.

Or we just leave it to the professionals, to the politicians and to other people who care. Why should I care, i’ll just let other people do it. Don’t we care if our home gets messy and filthy and rotten inside.

All earths deterioration is because of us, we’ve benefited from it but we let it rot bit by bit.

There will be no great future for our kids. What’s the point of educating our kids, preparing for a better future for them, if the home, our earth is dying.

We will all reap what we sow, and we’ll all be affected by the lack of care we do for our environment.

But it’s never too late, we can do our part still. We can do little things to help conserve our home.

We can find ways on helping, and we should start it today.

Are you doing your part? What are you doing to save our home. Please share it to the world

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  • Christian Merchandise